Agrosheriff Fertigation Calculator

Welcome to the Agrosheriff Fertigation Calculator!

This tool will help you calculate the necessary nutrient elements values for your crops

Terms and Conditions

Fertigation units manufactured by Agrosheriff Ltd. are designed for precise dosed application of nutrients to the root zone of plants.

The fertigation unit's model is selected in accordance with the cultivation method, production volume, type of agricultural crop and other terms and conditions.

For the correct selection of the fertigation unit's model, please contact us at

The presented calculator is an auxiliary tool for the appropriate use of Agrosheriff's fertigation units, as well as separately installed Mixrite dosing pumps.

It allows to automatically calculate the composition of nutrient solutions intended for application through fertigation units and separate Mixrite pumps.


This calculator performs calculations based on the recommendations of the basic needs of the main agricultural crops in nutrients provided by leading fertilizer manufacturers and the results of the calculations can be considered only as basic (not taking into account the totality of specific terms and conditions, such as chemical analysis of water and soil, the applied volume of irrigation, the vegetation phase of plants, monitoring the actual physical condition of plants, etc.).

Agrosheriff Company is under no circumstances responsible for any possible crop losses or deterioration in its quality, or any other possible problems that the user may encounter in connection with the use of the presented calculator.

When preparing a solution recipe, it is necessary to follow the recommendations on chemical compatibility of different types of fertilizers.

Failure to follow the recommendations may result in the formation of unwanted chemical compounds and solid sediment in the fertilizer solution, which can negatively affect plants and also lead to pump MixRite failure.

Each of the incompatible fertilizer solutions must be supplied through a separate pump.

The fertilizer used, must be water solible.

Agrosheriff Fertigation Calculator

Solution A

N image

P image

K image

percent image


Solution A

NPK(N-P-K) per 10L of Water:

Missing N:

Missing P:

Missing K:


Preparation of the solution:

Dissolve fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

To replenish the missing elements:

Prepare fertilizers containing your missing NPK (either complex or simple fertilizer)

Prepare fertilizers containing Mg, Ca, S.

Go to the next calculation

Agrosheriff Fertigation Calculator

Solution B

N image

P image

K image

percent image


Solution B

NPK(N-P-K) per 10L of Water:

Calcium (Ca) Fertilizer per 10L of Water:

Magnesium (Mg) Fertilizer per 10L of Water:

Sulfur (S) Fertilizer per 10L of Water:

Missing N:

Missing P:

Missing K:


Preparation of the solution:

Dissolve fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

I - Dissolve Calcium (Ca) fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

II - Dissolve Magnesium (Mg) fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

III - Dissolve Sulfur (S) fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

To replenish the missing elements:

Prepare fertilizers containing your missing NPK (either complex or simple fertilizer)

Go to the next calculation

Agrosheriff Fertigation Calculator

Solution B

N image

P image

K image

percent image


Solution B

NPK(N-P-K) per 10L of Water:

Missing N:

Missing P:

Missing K:


Preparation of the solution:

Dissolve fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

Go to the next calculation

Agrosheriff Fertigation Calculator

Solution C

percent image


Solution C

X liters of acid to be added to 10L of water


Preparation of the solution:

Pour X liters of acid into 10 liters of water.


It is necessary to take precautions to avoid an accident:

Wear protective glasses and gloves.

Do not pour water into acid - it is dangerous!

Go to the next calculation

Agrosheriff Fertigation Calculator

Solution D

percent image


Solution D

Iron (Fe) Fertilizer per 10L of Water:

Manganese (Mn) Fertilizer per 10L of Water:

Molybdenum (Mo) Fertilizer per 10L of Water:

Zinc (Zn) Fertilizer per 10L of Water:

Copper (Cu) Fertilizer per 10L of Water:

Boron (B) Fertilizer per 10L of Water:


Preparation of the solution:

Dissolve Iron (Fe) fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

Dissolve Manganese (Mn) fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

Dissolve Molybdenum (Mo) fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

Dissolve Zinc (Zn) fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

Dissolve Copper (Cu) fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

Dissolve Boron (B) fertilizer in 10 liters of water.

Agrosheriff Fertigation Calculator
